Well, I guess I am not off to a great start, but hopefully things will pick up. Scott left a month ago today, and it seems like forever ago. Just as predicted, the kids have settled into a routine. They were crazy busy this fall with the different musical groups the girls were involved in plus marching band for Aidan (a horse of a way different color from where I grew up) and scouting and soccer.
Aidan decided to drop soccer for the fall (wish he would have decided that before I spent $60), but was still managed to rack up 8-9 hours of marching practice outside of school hours. Top that off with all pre-ap classes, German club (yes he is treasurer, yikes!) and Boy Scouts, and you have one busy kiddo. Marching band is starting to slow down, so I think it is giving him a little more breathing space. You can actually see his stress level coming down. Not to mention, he is starting to feel a little more comfortable in his skin. Good thing, since he now towers over me even when I am in my heels. I think he is about at 5'10", but I don't think he is done yet either.
Mackenzie is finally starting to feel better about school again. She went from such a good student in Kentucky, to having so many problems here. She is a very bright child, but yet, she can be very "Dori-esque". She loves to sing and is doing well on the French Horn. It is good seeing her work hard again in school. Now if I can get her to be more organized and understand that if she forgets to turn something in, it does affect her grade, we will really be doing well. She is in soccer, Girl Scouts, show choir, Honor Band, and District Honor Choir. The DHC has been cast in the Wizard of Oz that the High School is performing, so she gets to be a munchkin and part of the Lullaby League. Kind of funny since she is pushing 5 foot, and is almost as tall as both of the Dorothy's. Mackenzie has adjusted to Dad being gone for the most part. I think it helps her that she can skype with him and see him in the morning before she goes to school.
Brigid is doing okay - she has a tongue that can cut like a razor. She can be very sweet and get along with her sister quite well one minute, and the next thing you know, the evil Brigid shows up. It's kind of like the weather in Germany - wait 5 minutes and it will change. She is not sure she wants to do band (doesn't want to have to carry and instrument). She is in choir, and in Orff (because that was by invitation only!) and is in soccer and gymnastics as well as Girl Scouts. She also made DHC, and is enjoying being on stage.
This past week was financially painful for me. Two weeks ago, I had new tires put on the Jeep, they were looking pretty bad, and since I was having issues with the other door on the van, knew that I might be without a vehicle for a while. I took the van in, and they said the one door was working fine now (maybe a rock got stuck in the track), but the other door would need a new motor. If I knew that it would open and close manually, I would be fine with that, but as it was, it was only opening partway, and of course that is the door that I need for picking up and dropping off kids at school! A friend of mine had told me that when her door needed that done that it cost about $600. Guess what - I beat her cost! Mine was going to cost $1250, for 1 door!!!
Well they had to order the part, and I went back on Thursday and spent the day there working (I love my job!!!), while they replaced the motor. I asked them to look at my squeaky fan belt, which they did and said it would need to be replaced (cha-ching). I also asked for them to change the oil (it needed it). While they were changing the oil, they noticed that my rear brakes were down to 1 mm. They suggest replacing at 3mm, so that means that I should get them done (cha-ching). The Service rep was giving me a military discount of 10%, which almost paid for the tax. I love going shopping, but it was not fun paying for that bill. On the receipt, it says that it is suggested that I replace the other motor (ugh!)
One month down, eleven to go...hopefully I won't have anymore large expenses anytime soon!
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